Best Coast - Crazy For You (Mexican Summer) [upcoming shows] [audio]
Bethany Cosentino debuted Best Coast last year with a pleasant-enough single called "When I'm With You." Now, Best Coast is full-blown thing. There's a trend right now among young bands that focuses on summer and warmth and waves, and it's stretched year-round. Best Coast embodies all these things, but mashes them into pop nuggets that hearken back to a less complicated time. Crazy For You might be the best indie pop album from 1993 you never heard until now.
Bethany Cosentino debuted Best Coast last year with a pleasant-enough single called "When I'm With You." Now, Best Coast is full-blown thing. There's a trend right now among young bands that focuses on summer and warmth and waves, and it's stretched year-round. Best Coast embodies all these things, but mashes them into pop nuggets that hearken back to a less complicated time. Crazy For You might be the best indie pop album from 1993 you never heard until now.
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