Damien Rice - 9 (Warner Bros.) [audio] [more audio] [upcoming shows]
Damien Rice, you are a dude. Ergo, you have balls. It's too bad someone broke your heart, but did she take those too? You've become the guy who attends big parties only to stand in the corner going on and on and on (and on and on and on) about that girl you dated for all of seven months until she dumped you back in 2003—the human party foul. Beautiful, somber music can be made without becoming a total d-bag (heard Leonard Cohen?), so get busy, you pussy.
Damien Rice, you are a dude. Ergo, you have balls. It's too bad someone broke your heart, but did she take those too? You've become the guy who attends big parties only to stand in the corner going on and on and on (and on and on and on) about that girl you dated for all of seven months until she dumped you back in 2003—the human party foul. Beautiful, somber music can be made without becoming a total d-bag (heard Leonard Cohen?), so get busy, you pussy.
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